Find out more about the countries our company is present in.

Find out more about the countries our company is present in.

Currently, our business activity is concentrated to Eastern European countries. More »

Take a look at our portfolio of products

Take a look at our portfolio of products

Our portfolio consists of many spare parts for household appliances, like thermostats for different use, wires, etc. More »

Our company is located in Szekszárd, Hungary

Our company is located in Szekszárd, Hungary

Our headquarter can be found in the South of Hungary, 150 km from the capital, Budapest and near by highway M6. More »

Contact us

Contact us

Feel free to call us any time or contact us via our email form. More »




7100, Szekszárd, Lehel str. 8., Hungary
Phone/Fax +36 30 269 4849 | +36 74 887 255


If you would like to contact us via email, please fill in the below form and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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